Saturday, 22 January 2011

Saturday, 15 January 2011

The world's meekest officer

Allow me to introduce you to the world's meekest officer. In contrast to our commander, I don't think she has ever raised her voice, even if only to be heard in a loud crowded room.

One time she got me a croissant when she went to buy some food, but she could only find some slightly squashed ones:

As you can see, she felt pretty bad about that - it was really cute.

Having seen this example, you can imagine my surprise when she called to ask me for a favour:

World's meekest officer, there is hope for you yet!

(I'll be honest, that second comic feels a little rushed to me. Like there should be a few more panels with me running around being excited or something. But it's too late now...)

Friday, 14 January 2011