Friday, 26 October 2012

Desert Trip

Hey guys.
I know I'm kind of indifferent to this blog.
I don't really tell you about things. I just post comics without any explanations.

I just want to tell you it's not you.
It's blogger.
They don't really encourage the interactive part of blogging, and I get frustrated.

Anyways. I'll try to explain this one.
I've made some awesome friends in the past year, and not long ago I went on a trip to the desert with them. ...Well, okay, it's getting to be long ago. Like a month ago. Like I said, I neglect this blog, and I'm sorry (but only a little bit). ANYWAY. I have since managed to complete 2 comics/drawings (out of a potential... 5 I think) about what happened there.

The first is a deep conversation we had on a stop on the way home.

The second is related to nights spent left to nature's mercy.

"You have fucking pants?"
"What are fucking pants?"
"How do they work?"

"That's it, I'm gonna go shake my pants out"
"You mean your fucking pants?"
"Don't let any foxes steal them"